Saturday, June 7, 2008

ChinaBlog Day 34

I've spent the last few days mired in a series of inexplicable and frustrating legal technicalities. I'm quite enthusiastic about my project, I think it will lead to a good line of inquiry, and I am very close to finishing the data-gathering segment of the show. One last step remains, to go up onto the balcony from whence I previously shot my footage and project that same footage onto the ground that I filmed at the beginning of the week. The idea is to re-introduce a previous space and time into this village square, and see what effect the new ground plane/time period/point of view will have on the people passing through it. Ideally, they would return from whence they came, encountering their morning selves from above in the evening. Ok, that may have been a little confusing, I'll admit. But it makes sense once you see it.
--The biggest problem, which also is not a problem at all, is that I have no idea what the result will be, and thus have trouble explaining exactly why I am doing all this. I just know in my gut that it'll be worthwhile. The second and most disruptive problem is that the landlord of the building where rests my balcony has significant issues with my existence on this planet, and would like very much for me to shove off and not be heard from again. Perhaps with fanfare and a bottle of Chablis. This, of course, runs antithetical to my end goals, which, as stated above, are nebulous at best. In a world forgotten by time In any case, One Man stood between me and world domination completing my project.
--Step one: Go to the bank. Withdraw 500 Yuan. Cry. Return to school.
--Step two: Find an envelope. Stuff money in. Cry.
--Step three: Convince Guy Who Works at School to translate for me.
--Step four: Go to landlord. Tap on shoulder. Ahem.
--Step five: Stand back while GWWaS explains the nebulous premise of my nebulous project to landlord.
--Step six: Bite fingernails.
--Step seven: Recognize that landlord is beginning to look less obstinate.
--Step eight: Realize that they are finished talking and looking at you with your bloody fingernails.
--Step nine: Listen to GWWaS tell you that you have permission to do your project.
--Step ten: Wonder when you need to give money to landlord. Wink. Nudge.
--Step eleven: Listen to GWWaS yell at you for bringing envelope full of cash along. Return to school.
--Step twelve: Yay.
--In case that wasn't absolutely clear, I got my permission, did not have to fork over a bribe (the landlord was actually quite reasonable in the end), and will complete my project tomorrow night (Sunday, June 8th, 2008, in case any of you want to come see). Phew. That was tough. I may still have to buy him a carton of cigarettes or a nice bottle of Chinese wine after I'm done. Actually, if I had given him money during the initial talk, it would have seemed to him that I am trying to do something illegal. Instead, I will give him a 'gift' after everything is over. So, a well spent day. I'll let you know how it goes after tomorrow's festivities. I think the townies will get a kick out of it. We'll see. Also, there's a small chance I may end up in prison. But probably not. I'll carry my passport with me just in case.

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