Sunday, May 18, 2008

ChinaBlog Day 16

Ugh. Sick. That’s what I’ve been doing since Friday. I’m allergic to my down bedding, so I wake up every morning with about an hour of sneezing. I’ve gotten used to that. This is different. On Friday I arose with the kind of sore throat that portends an uncomfortable immediate future. Sure enough, by Friday afternoon I was surrounded by a snowy-white meadow of used Kleenex. In two days I went through three boxes of tissue. And that’s not including the half roll of toilet paper I resorted to, MacGyver-style, when the first box ran out. I have sneezed and wiped my nose so many times that you can see the cartilage. When I get back home, everyone is going to call me Michael. Jackson. Sorry, I’m really out of it.
--Because of this issue, I’ve been holed up in my room for almost three days now. It’s been ok, what with the internets and the Googles and the Skypes. I’ve felt very in touch with the world I’m unable to visit. I just longingly stare at it out my 12th floor window from bed. Then I sneeze, cough, have a seizure, and blow my nose. One more to the pile. It was really the smell that made me open the window, and imagine my surprise when a big clod of dirt flew into the room and landed on my computer. Did I mention I’m on the 12th floor? Wait, let me check. Hmm…sick, tissue, internets, longing stare, oh yes. There it is. 12th floor. 12TH FLOOR. The wind is so strong that it picked up a clod of dirt from the tree farm next door, lifted it 120 feet into the air, through my open window, and deposited it square on the keyboard of my laptop. I think the odds of that happening are, like, 100:1. Maybe even 200:1. I don’t think it’s done anything bad to anything sensitive. Time will tell.
--Now I’m going to go to sleep again. I’m almost the last person in our group, and certainly in this apartment, to get sick like this, so not only was it bound to happen, but I kind of know what's in store. Everyone keeps telling me to just sleep it off. 24 solid hours of rest has been the cure for many people so far. If you insist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, apparently Chris can't read this blog once he's typed it / published it-- can he read the comments? Does anyone else get weird retina-burn after reading this blog for a while? The color scheme drives me nuts! Change it, Chris! (if you can).

That was insensitive of me. GET BETTER, CHRIS! Hope you're ok,