Saturday, May 24, 2008

ChinaBlog MiniTrip Day 1

What image forms in your brain when you think of Chinese trains? Nope. Wrong. Well, I'm sure some of them are like that, but not this one. This particular train would make Germans sit down in their liederhosen and wonder where it all went so verdammt back home. "Ach, Kleissl, es tut mir lied! Diese bahn ist so gross und schnell und modern. Wir sind dumbkopferin!" Yes, they are female Germans. Now you're guilty of two stereotypes...what's he talking about? Nevermind. The train is very big, fast, and modern. It has all the expected conveniences, like air conditioning, ladders that fold into the wall, a little table with a rose on it, and a dining car that serves fired wife buffer. In fact, there were several dishes with fired wife on the menu. This train must have a high employee turnover rate. In all seriousness, we never figured out what they exactly meant to write instead, and none of us were brave enough to order a fired wife, because we DID figure out that every time they wrote 'fired', they meant 'fried', and, well, to be honest I'm still not sure which is worse. Instead I got the shrivled pork peppers, which was some kind of delicious beef dish with yams. The woman behind the counter spent a good five minutes digging through what can only be described as a trash can to find the hand-written English menu, so I guess we were lucky to have any idea whatsoever what we were asking for. We've all found that simply pointing at random to an all-Chinese menu will invariably get you a dish of steamed sea cucumber entrails. While that may be fun and adventurous once, its not very filling, nor exciting, the tenth or eleventh time. I've heard that Shanghai has the strangest food in China, so I'm looking forward to a change.
I think this is all I can write with my thumbs at this time. I need to go to bed so I can be up in time for our arrival in Hangzhou at 7am. We'll spend two nights there before we move on to Shanghai. More later!

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